Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ericsson Introduces SNP 4000 Network Processor

Ericsson introduced a network processing chipset that integrates thousands of processing cores to enable products that can scale from 100Gbps to 1Tbps and applications that support millions of subscribers.   The SNP 4000 ASIC, which was developed in-house, features a hyper-threaded, completion architecture that runs the Linux OS with full support for GNU based C/C++ tool chain.

Ericsson also announced that its IP Operating System , which currently runs on its flagship SSR 8000 family of Smart Services Routers, will be extended to cover all Ericsson IP products. The company is currently showcasing its MINI-LINK SP 415 and MINI-LINK SP 420 running Ericsson IP Operating System.

"Since 2011, when we first outlined our vision of the fourth generation of IP Networks, we have consistently made investment decisions that ensure our IP portfolio builds networks that not only give consumers an amazing experience, but also ensure profitable growth for our customers in an era of rapidly growing video traffic and Cloud and OTT applications. A common operating system and high-touch packet processing capabilities are incremental steps towards the broader Service Provider SDN architecture that will be a key enabling technology for 4GIP going forward. SNP 4000 sets a new benchmark as it increases the feature velocity by ten times and is twice as energy efficient as available network processors," Jan Häglund, Vice President, Head of IP and Broadband Networks, Ericsson
