Wednesday, January 23, 2013

JDSU Offers Cloud Management Tool for Field Testers

JDSU introduced a cloud-based system to provide network operators with a centralized way to manage and analyze data from thousands of deployed JDSU test instruments in the field.

The new StrataSync application consolidates data from individual test instruments for improved network and workforce visibility.  It provides automated tracking, management and reporting of test instruments.  It also provides network technicians with access to critical data to help them pinpoint and resolve any issues to optimize network performance.

StrataSync will be available in March 2013 and will initially support several JDSU test instruments that include the DSAM, DSAM-6300, HST-3000, T-BERD/MTS-2000, T-BERD/MTS-5800, T-BERD/MTS-6000/6000A and the MTS-8000 products. Future phases of StrataSync support an even broader range of network test instruments and will offer more customizable features.