Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aricent Offers OpenFlow Source Code to TEMs

Aricent is now offering OpenFlow and Software Defined Networking (SDN) software frameworks as part of its wireline communications source code portfolio. The OpenFlow Client software, along with Aricent's product lifecycle services, is designed to help telecom equipment manufacturers (TEMs) add OpenFlow and SDN to their products.

Aricent said its OpenFlow Client software can be customized and deployed for both hybrid and pure OpenFlow architectures. The software can be used to develop OpenFlow and SDN controllers, as well in conjunction with Aricent other networking platforms.

“OpenFlow is a tremendous opportunity for network innovation and we are really excited about its potential applications. Our membership with ONF further underscores our commitment, both to the technology and to our customers, towards cost-effectively co-creating cutting-edge next-generation networks,” said Sridhar Raju, Assistant Vice President and Head of the Wireline Communications Practice at Aricent.
