Broadcom introduced a new family of high-density dual, quad and octal port single-chip 10G-EPON Optical Line Terminals (OLTs) that will pave the way for next-generation FTTX access networks.
Key Features
- IEEE 802.3av, SIEPON P1904.1/D3.0, China Telecom 3.0, and Cable Labs DPoE compliant
- Simultaneous 10G symmetric and asymmetric operation with 1.25 Gbps/2.5 Gbps co-existence
- 8x 10G IEEE 803.3av-compatible MACs with integrated 10G and 1G Burst-mode OLT SerDes
- Supports up to 512 subscribers per 10G port with up to four classes of service per subscriber
- Network Synchronization support for Mobile Backhaul over PON (1588 v2, ToD/1PPS, SyncE)
- Support for extended-reach PON up to 100 km
- Support for DOCSIS Mediation Layer (DML) middleware for Cable MSO applications
The new BCM5553x 10G EPON OLT chips can be matched with Broadcom's BCM88350 family of integrated single-chip traffic manager/packet processors and BCM55030 optical network unit (ONU) SoCs for a complete end-to-end solution set.