Sunday, July 22, 2012

AT&T and Unions Reach Tentative Deals in Two Regions

The Communications Workers of America District 4 and CWA’s Telecommunications and Technologies Sector announced tentative deals with AT&T Midwest and AT&T Legacy. The tentative settlement provides for wage increases, improvements in employment security and improvements in work and job issues limits on forced overtime and changes to unfair attendance policies.

District 4 covers about 15,000 CWA members at AT&T operations in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. AT&T Legacy covers about 5,500 workers at locations nationwide.

Separate negotiations are continuing with AT&T West, which has 18,000 CWA members throughout California and Nevada, and with AT&T East, which has 4,000 CWA members in Connecticut.  CWA said its 24,000 District 3 members throughout the Southeast are keeping up their mobilization efforts as the clock ticks down to the Aug. 4 contract expiration.