Thursday, April 26, 2012

AT&T's Board of Directors is Re-Elected

At its annual meeting of stockholders held last week in Salt Lake City, each of the 11 nominees were reelected to AT&T's board of directors for one-year terms, with each member receiving at least 96.3 percent of the shares voted. The board members are:

Randall L. Stephenson

Jon C. Madonna

Gilbert F. Amelio

John B. McCoy

Reuben V. Anderson

Joyce M. Roche

James H. Blanchard

Matthew K. Rose

Jaime Chico Pardo

Laura D'Andrea Tyson

James P. Kelly

An interesting note: A shareholder proposal asking that AT&T commit to operating its wireless network without the ability to privilege, degrade or prioritize any traffic was defeated by a vote of 94.1 percent against to 5.9 percent in favor.