Monday, December 19, 2011

LightSquared Seeks Declaratory Ruling from FCC

LightSquared is seeking a declaratory ruling from the FCC confirming its right to use the spectrum licensed to the company by the federal government. LightSquared is also asking the FCC to confirm that commercial GPS manufacturers have no right to interference protection from LightSquared’s network since they are not licensed users of that spectrum. The company asserts that commercial GPS manufacturers are responsible for having designed and sold unlicensed devices that use spectrum licensed to LightSquared and its predecessor companies.

"The one inescapable conclusion from two rounds of independent testing is that the incompatibility problem is not caused by LightSquared’s network," said LightSquared’s executive vice president for regulatory affairs and public policy Jeff Carlisle. "It is clear that GPS devices are purposefully designed to look into LightSquared’s licensed spectrum, and given this evidence, we believe decision-makers should consider LightSquared’s legal rights as the licensee."

  • On Monday, December 19th, Reuters reported that LightSquared could run out of cash by Q2 2012, unless it is able to raise substantial capital.