Thursday, November 17, 2011

Swisscom Targets One Million FTTH Connections by 2015

Swisscom announced an expansion of its FTTH rollout in eastern Switzerland in Chu4, which will connect all households and businesses by 2016. Construction work gets underway in March 2012 in the district of Masans, followed by Loequartier and Wiesental. The project will see Swisscom connect all 20,000 households and businesses in Chur to the high-speed network of the future.

Swisscom started its expansion of the fibre-optic network to households and businesses in autumn 2008, kicking off in Basel, Geneva and Zurich. It is now rolling out fibre to the home (FTTH) in over 30 towns and cities. At the end of September 2011, 320,000 households and businesses throughout Switzerland were connected to the fibre-optic network. Swisscom aims to connect one million households by the end of 2015, which equates to around one third of the Swiss population. The company is investing around 2 billion Swiss francs to achieve this goal.