Symantec is partnering with Tekmark Global Solutions and Centri Technology to deliver hosted, user-defined security controls that will enable communication service providers to offer their mobile subscribers the ability to improve their safety online, even when roaming across operator networks or using Wi-Fi access.
Symantec Accelerated Next Generation Network Protection (NGNP) is a hosted service for network operators. By using a software client on each protected mobile device, traffic can be filtered with multiple levels of configurability for content controls, such as identifying certain URLs or groups of URLs to allow or block, creating a walled garden and inspecting web downloads for malicious content. For instance, user defined parental controls can be configured for specific website access, inappropriate links or for time-of-day controls. For enterprises, global or departmental website controls and reporting are enabled.
Centri supplies data acceleration technologies. Tekmark's expertise lies in developing and integrating information systems, operating and improving technology and business processes, and helping clients evolve to the next generation of technologies.
- In October 2010,
Symantec introduced its network-based policy control and enforcement solution that enables communication service providers to dynamically apply user preferences in a consistent fashion to a variety of services. Such a value-added service would protect smartphone users from the growing number or online threats. It could also enforce parental controls, such as time-of-day usage or inappropriate vocabulary, on texting usage by children.
For example, a parent may choose to disable texting functionality for their child's phone during school hours or at night. Or, a corporation might disable photo sharing from mobile devices for their employee base. Symantec Next Generation Network Protection will also provide data retention capabilities to aid with regulatory requirements and usage analysis. Compliance with local regulations is simple with Symantec assisting in the archiving of mobile messaging and Web access logs, storage of content and traffic information, mobile data traffic management and an audit history.
Symantec said it will be able to provide flexible, customizable policy features from the network.