The GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) raised its forecast for commercial LTE network launches and is now predicting 100 network launches by end of 2012. Currently, 35 commercial LTE networks are in operation in 21 countries.
GSA now counts185 firm commercial LTE network deployments, 64% higher than a year ago, are in progress or planned in 66 countries, including 35 networks now commercially launched. Another 63 operators in 21 additional countries are engaged in LTE technology trials, tests or studies.
LTE TDD is also market reality following the commercial launch of three networks last month in Saudi Arabia.
The LTE commercial network launches scorecard:
2009: 2 networks launched – all FDD
2010: 15 networks launched – all FDD
2011: 18 networks launched (up to October 10, 2011) - 15 FDD, 3 TDD
GSA also noted that the move towards deploying LTE in re-farmed spectrum, particularly in the 1800 MHz band (i.e. LTE1800) is accelerating. Seven LTE1800 networks are now commercially launched, in Australia, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Singapore. In Australia all three mobile operators have confirmed they will deploy LTE1800 systems (Telstra recently commercially launched its LTE network in this band). In the European Union, where operators are investing today in LTE networks or trials in more than 90% of member countries, GSA expects many of those operators will deploy LTE in 1800 MHz spectrum as part of their network strategy. 13-Oct-11