Monday, September 5, 2011

NTT Com Expands Cloud-based Traffic Analysis System for DDoS Attacks

NTT Communications is enhancing its overseas Global IP Network Service with cloud-based traffic analysis for distributed denial-of-service (DDoS).

The Global IP Network Service will be offered as an optional service via a dedicated web portal. Traffic on the customer's network is monitored 24/7 for DDoS detection and analysis. Any DDoS attack is reported promptly to the customer. The service also enhances network security by analyzing DDoS attacks to help the customer to protect their servers and routers against DDoS attacks. Trials conducted by NTT Com and volunteer companies found that this service can reduce the customer's DDoS monitoring and analysis operations by 75%.

The Global IP Network Service also analyzes traffic in terms of autonomous systems, IP addresses, ports, etc. Detailed reporting is available in graphical display format to help customers visualize their network traffic situation to better understand their needs for additional network enhancement. Trials conducted by NTT Com and volunteer companies found that this service can reduce related traffic analysis and reporting operations by 90% for customers.

NTT Com has been offering this service since 2009 in Japan. It will now be offered in Australia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

NTT Com also announced that it has upgraded its Equinix data center POP in Tokyo, and plans to launch a new PoP in @Tokyo data center on September 26.

  • NTT Com's Global Tier-1 IP backbone currently boasts 520 Gbps for U.S.-Japan traffic, 421 Gbps for Asia-Oceania, 77 Gbps for Japan-Europe and 100 Gbps for Europe-U.S.