Monday, November 22, 2010

SoftAtHome and Lantiq Team on High Performance Home Gateways

SoftAtHome, a software provider of home operating platforms that help service providers deliver convergent applications to the digital home, and Lantiq are collaborating to deliver an integrated platform for advanced Home Gateways (HGW). The companies are offering a ChipSet Support Package (CSSP) that enables SoftAtHome Operating Platform (SOP) to rapidly be deployed on the latest Lantiq XWAY XRX-100 family generation. The CSSP represents a set of drivers adapted to the SoftAtHome Hardware Abstraction Layer and will be made available to Lantiq's licensees providing home gateways to service providers worldwide. It enables home gateway manufacturers to accelerate porting of SOP on their devices. Service providers can thus accelerate time-to-market for delivering advanced triple- play and digital home services to their residential customers.