Wednesday, August 4, 2010

OIF Targets Micro-integrable Tunable Laser Assemblys, OSS Control Plane

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) has begun work on two new projects.

The first provides a specification for a micro-integrable tunable laser assembly (uITLA). The new form factor for tunable lasers is needed as the industry moves to an XFP form factor with reduced power dissipation. This project will propose changes to the assembly electrical interfaces, optical specifications, and mechanical specifications. The uITLA implementation agreement (IA) will provide an alternative laser solution for ITLA customers contemplating the integration of a specific vendor "gold box" laser on the host PCB due to space constraints. A greater than 2X reduction in the base plate area of the uITLA relative to the ITLA-MSA-1.2 IA is desired.

The second newly created project addresses OSS Control Plane Management for Optical Transport Evolution. As the networks evolve from TDM to Packet and to MPLS-based Transport, there will be additional challenges associated with OSS integration and management of control plane-initiated services spanning multiple layers (TDM OTN and SONET, Photonic and MPLS). Adding to the OSS challenges are the operational challenges associated with these converged networks. This new project will address these OSS challenges in operationalizing the TDM control plane including multilayer TDM CP (SONET/SDH, OTN).

The OIF also announced the following elections:

Technical Committee Chair: Jonathan Sadler, Tellabs (beginning Oct 1)

Technical Committee Vice Chair: Klaus-Holger Otto, Alcatel-Lucent

Market Awareness & Education Chair, Networking: Dave Brown, Alcatel-Lucent

Market Awareness & Education Chair, PLL: Rod Smith, Tyco Electronics