Sunday, July 18, 2010

Enablence Ships 120G Photonic Integrated Circuit

Ottawa-based Enablence Technologies, which supplies FTTH equipment as well as optical components and subsystems for access, metro and long-haul markets, has begun shipping its advanced PIC technology and products to a global tier-1 customer for its next generation Metro Optical Transport Network System. The tier-1 customer is using Enablence's Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) to achieve up to 120Gbps capacity per card. Enablence said its device significantly reduces power consumption and space requirements as well.

Enablence's PIC technology is based on its proprietary Planar Lightwave Circuitry (PLC), which integrates multiple high speed components into a single optical chip to reduce footprint and costs. This highly integrated PIC technology includes more than 15 layers of wafer processing, which has reduced hundreds of optical parts into one single chip.