Monday, June 21, 2010

TIA Schedules "Inside the Network" Event for May 2011 in Dallas

Telecommunications Industry Association announced "TIA 2011: Inside the Network" -- a major conference and exhibition scheduled for May 18-20, 2011 in Dallas, Texas.

"The challenge facing those Inside the Network," said TIA President Grant Seiffert, "is how telecommunications service providers and equipment vendors will continue to innovate in response to the onslaught of demand for high-bandwidth applications that are stressing network infrastructure capacity. TIA's new industry event is a meeting, technology demonstration and educational platform designed to help members flourish and remain competitive."

The venue is the Gaylord Texan, which is near the Dallas-Ft. Worth airport.

  • In February 2010, TIA and USTelecom canceled their jointly-owned SUPERCOMM tradeshow for 2010. The event had been scheduled for October 26-28 in Chicago.