Wednesday, June 16, 2010

JDSU Adds OTN to 100GE Test Suite

JDSU has added Optical Transport Network (OTN) capabilities to its 100GE test suite. The test platform now offers OTU3 (43GE) and OTU4 (112GE) test features to help transport Ethernet over longer distances for high speed networks.

Optical Transport Networks running on OTU3/4 add the framing, management layer and forward error correction (FEC) on top of Ethernet that is needed for longer distance transmission and for OTN management in a carrier network.

JDSU's fully comprehensive OTU3/4 feature set:

  • Provides overhead and payload manipulation as well as monitoring;

  • Complements the 40GE/100GE product lines to give complete test coverage;

  • Supports comprehensive test features for the new OTL (Optical Channel Transport Lane) layer; and;

  • Aligns with JDSU's existing, industry leading OTU1/2/3 products so customers can easily migrate to the faster speeds.