Tuesday, December 15, 2009

JDSU Adds Capture/Decode Features for 10 Gbps Ethernet Testing

JDSU has added a T-BERD/MTS capture/decode feature set to capture traffic on 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps Ethernet interfaces, J-Mentor utilizes standard .pcap formatted capture files to identify common problems that impact SLAs such as half duplex ports, excessive TCP retransmissions and top IP talkers that may excessively use network bandwidth.

JDSU said its J-Mentor expedites Carrier Ethernet troubleshooting in the network by building on the capture/decode feature set. Traditionally, a technician with advanced IP troubleshooting skill is dispatched to a location with test equipment and a PC for analysis in order to resolve a problem. With JDSU capture/decode, the same technician can perform a packet capture and then analyze the file on the test set itself.