Monday, April 20, 2009

Sprint Reduces its Carbon Emissions

As the result of an internal audit of its IT operations, Sprint cut approximately $20 million worth of operating costs and reduced the company's overall IT carbon footprint by approximately 10,450 metric tons.

Sprint said its efforts to decrease mounting maintenance and support costs led it to retire underutilized applications, eliminate and redeploy servers, and free data center capacity, all of which decreased carbon emissions and reduced power consumption. The company also cited a number of specific gains:

  • Reducing its overall IT spend by $20 million, which relied in part on the phase-out of 127 nonessential applications

  • Reclaiming $28 million by retiring or redeploying 2,239 servers and reclaiming 291,042 gigabytes of storage, reducing the need to expand storage space or add new servers

  • Avoiding the need to build a new data center facility, by redeploying servers and reclaiming storage.

  • Cutting carbon emissions related to powering its data center by 10,450 metric tons, a step that brings Sprint closer to its 2017 goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 15 percent. (According to EPA data, such emissions reductions equal taking 2,000 passenger cars off the road.)