Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CWA Comments on AT&T's Results and Ongoing Labor Negotiations

The Communications Workers of America, which is currently negotiating a new labor contract with AT&T, said the better-than-expected financial results posted by AT&T demonstrate that the fact that AT&T is well-positioned to lead the telecommunications industry into the future digital age. The union believes AT&T is well-positioned to help move our nation out of economic crisis and back into prosperity. AT&T remains the 7th largest company in the world, in terms of market capitalization. It posted $12.9 billion in profits last year. CWA represents 180,000 workers at AT&T.

CWA President Larry Cohen pointed out that AT&T's strength is its integrated network and the CWA workers that keep it operating. "Broadband and wireless don't exist without wireline. That makes building and maintaining the network a critical part of the company's business plan."

CWA and AT&T currently are in contract negotiations for new contracts covering nearly 100,000 workers.