The Abu Dhabi police force has awarded a contract to Motorola to provide an end to end wireless mobile video surveillance solution for the force's vehicles and personnel. The contract will see Motorola supplying the latest from its
MOTOA4 mission critical portfolio and delivering innovative and reliable wireless solutions. Financial terms were not disclosed.
The new service will enable control room operators to interact with the video system that delivers real time streaming of video from police vehicles and personnel; in contrast to previous solutions that used recorded video. Not only will the service allow live streaming of video, it will also provide local recording of high resolution video.
Motorola said a core aspect of the new contract is the provision of the MotoLocator service, the primary purpose of which is to provide location-based video surveillance from police in the field back to the control room. The service, which also shows all the force vehicles on a map, will enable control room operators and management to have real-time knowledge of what is happening in the field and allow them to respond on that basis.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Motorola Supplies Real Time Video Surveillance in Abu Dhabi
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Packet Systems