Sunday, February 15, 2009

Marvell's Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Single Chip Offers New Models

Marvell is now supporting an open software architecture for its Wi-Fi/Bluetooth single chip products. The open environment enables a variety of software features, such s a mobile hotspot mode that can be used to transform any CE device with an Internet connection into a wireless hotspot. This feature is optimized for very low power consumption on battery- powered CE devices.

The Marvell 88W8688 also supports BT-AMP (Alternate MAC-PHY), which allows the Bluetooth radio in the Marvell 88W8688 to deliver 10 to 15 times the bandwidth of standard Bluetooth 2.1 implementations, thereby facilitating the support of new Bluetooth usage models such as simultaneous audio-video streaming and instant address-book synchronization. The Marvell 88W8688 has full support for enterprise-grade smartphone features including Cisco Compatible Extensions (CCX) for security and range expansion as well as WLAN VoIP. The Marvell 88W8688 also supports WAPI for Wi-Fi enabled handsets for the Chinese market.