RadiSys expanded its AdvancedTCA (ATCA) portfolio with the launch of two new products, including one designed for maximum subscriber density and another for lower-density subscriber areas. Both platforms are pre-validated with a variety of hardware and software components, thereby enabling Telecom Equipment Manufacturers (TEMs) to develop and deploy revenue-generating services more quickly and more cost effectively. The rollout includes:
- The Promentum SYS-6016 platform is a high-capacity 16-slot solution that provides the maximum number of billable application slots in an ATCA carrier-grade platform, and delivers 10-Gigabit switching, packet processing, and media processing capabilities. It comes standard with the Promentum ATCA-2210 10-Gigabit switch and control modules which provide highly integrated centralized functions such as switching, shelf management, network-timing and system management capabilities. In addition, the ATCA-2210 supports the RadiSys switching software that has been hardened and now running live in deployed networks. Also a variety of payload blades are offered, including high-performance multi-core compute modules, SATA/SAS storage solutions, high-density media processing and packet processing modules. With a multitude of pre-integrated payload blades, RadiSys said the Promentum SYS-6016 is suitable for 3G wireless and wireline infrastructure requirements for applications such as Radio Network Controllers (RNC/BSC), Media Gateways, IMS (CSCF, Application and Media servers), and IPTV.
- The Promentum SYS-6002 is a low-profile 2-slot integrated platform that provides a compact cost-effective solution ideally suited for an array of specialized appliances such as sophisticated security and traffic handling applications. The compact 2U, 2-slot RadiSys Promentum SYS-6002 platform eliminates the need for an ATCA switch module, and is replaced by onboard Ethernet switching on purpose-built products such as the Promentum ATCA-7220 dual OCTEON packet processing module, ATCA-9100 Media Resource Module, and Promentum ATCA-1200 Quad AMC carrier module. The new Promentum SYS-6002 includes optional shelf management capabilities that are hosted on the slot one payload blade, thereby providing additional cost savings and flexibility within the platform. The Promentum SYS-6002 also supports a 48V DC power feed, with optional AC power in either a rear-pluggable 600W AC power or stand-alone 1U AC power module to support both central office or data center environments. RadiSys said the ultra-low profile of the Promentum SYS-6002 makes it a perfect fit for low-density subscriber area deployments and specialized telecom applications. This platform configuration delivers full size ATCA blade solutions that offer high performance and better pricing then the size and technology space constrained microTCA form factor.
The Promentum SYS-6016 is shipping in production now. Production shipments of the Promentum SYS-6002 are scheduled to begin in January 2009.http://www.radisys.com