Thursday, October 2, 2008

ITALTEL Launches New Suite of Service Enablers

At last week's Broadband Forum in Brussels, Italtel introduced new Service Enablers that allow mash up of information and data retrieved from different networks for creation of brand new services or enhancement of emerging services based on presence and group management functionalities.

The new Service Enablers Suite, which includes the Italtel Presence Server, Italtel Group and List Management Service Enabler, and the Italtel Aggregation Proxy, provide a unified service layer . This builds on "The Service Box" concept, which Italtel introduced last year at BBWF Europe 2007.

  • Italtel Presence Server (i-PS) -- the enabler responsible for managing real-time information regarding user availability, capability, and willingness to communicate. It aggregates presence information from a broad range of sources, including devices, network elements and applications, as well as external presence providers.

  • Italtel Group and List Management Service Enabler (i-GLM) -- the enabler responsible for storing, maintaining and managing group information (such as contact lists, group lists and access lists) in a central (network-based) location. Group information, represented through XML documents, can be reused and shared across multiple applications and services.

  • Italtel Aggregation Proxy (i-AP) -- the front-end for accessing enabler's specific and shared XDMS over http based interfaces; it provides authentication and TLS support for the XDM clients accessing XDM servers.

Italtel said its strategy aims at creating a unified service platform capable of supporting and optimizing management and delivery of telephone services and innovative multimedia services, suitable for all types of users.

"The convergence of Telco and IT is radically reshaping business models and competitive borders, creating a continually-changing scenario for both products and services," said Franco Serio, CTO at Italtel. "Italtel's strategy in the Service Layer enables full and seamless Telco/IT/Internet convergence and adoption of open business models in the telecom. The key benefits deriving from the adoption of this new business and architectural model are: greater coherence in networks
architecture, optimization and integration; possibility to handle in an easier way the complexity of service creation, orchestration and deployment; greater efficiency and efficacy in service creation and deployment."