Tuesday, October 14, 2008

AT&T Wins $223 Million Contract from the County of Los Angeles

The County of Los Angeles has signed a five-year contract with AT&T covering telecommunications services throughout the county. The new contract, valued at $223 million, comprises all voice and data services and expands advanced network services, such as a managed IP network and Managed Router Solutions (MRS), which will be deployed at up to 1,000 county locations.

AT&T said it will continue to provide all voice and data services to the County of Los Angeles, including Frame Relay and ATM data transport; remote access; Managed Internet Service; Virtual Private Network (VPN); all local and long distance voice, Web, video and teleconferencing services; and AT&T Voice DNA. AT&T Voice DNA is a network-based VoIP service.

The County of Los Angeles has options to extend the contract with AT&T for up to 12 years.http://www.att.comhttp://www.lacounty.gov