Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Alcatel-Lucent to Double Capacity of East Africa Submarine Cable System

Alcatel-Lucent has won a contract with the East Africa Submarine Cable System (EASSy) consortium to more than double the design capacity of the optical submarine cable network landing in East Africa. The network, which is based on Alcatel-Lucent's submarine and terrestrial optical solutions, will now be able to deliver a regional capacity of 1.4 Tbps, the highest capacity in the region.

The EASSy submarine network will span nearly 10,000 km linking eight countries from Sudan to South Africa, via Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar and Mozambique. Landings will be located in Port Sudan (Sudan), Djibouti (Djibouti), Mogadishu (Somalia) Mombasa (Kenya), Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), Toliary (Madagascar), Maputo (Mozambique) and Mtunzini (South Africa). By interconnecting with existing cables and other submarine systems currently under construction, the EASSy submarine cable system will also serve as a supporting infrastructure for these networks.

EASSy is a project set up by 25 licensed telecommunications operators in the Eastern and Southern African region and international carriers.http://www.alcatel-lucent.com