Eric Bozich, VP of National Services, Qwest 1. What is driving Metro Ethernet? 2. What Ethernet services are hot? 3. Traffic Growth -- What level of IP traffic growth are you seeing across the Qwest backbone and across your customers' networks? 4. PBT, PBB-TE and Ethernet/MPLS Architectures - 5. The 40G / 100G Roadmap -- Will these networking technologies be driven by capacity concerns or econoics? 1. What is driving Metro Ethernet? 2. What Ethernet services are hot? 3. Traffic Growth -- What level of IP traffic growth are you seeing across the Qwest backbone and across your customers' networks? 4. PBT, PBB-TE and Ethernet/MPLS Architectures - 5. The 40G / 100G Roadmap -- Will these networking technologies be driven by capacity concerns or ecomonics? Nxtcomm 2008, Las Vegas |