Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chile's GTD Selects Alcatel-Lucent for GPON in Santiago

Chile's Gtd Group will begin deploying a fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) GPON network in in Santiago's prestigious Santa Mar�a de Manquehue district, with other neighborhoods of Chile's capital city following shortly after. Gtd Manquehue will deploy the Alcatel-Lucent 7342 Intelligent Services Access Manager Fiber-to-the-User (ISAM FTTU) and the Alcatel-Lucent 5520 Access Management System for element management. Financial terms were not disclosed.

"We selected GPON technology so we can offer our customers unlimited triple play and advanced business services backed with a richer quality of experience, which we think will better serve our residential and business customers and give us a competitive advantage in this market", said Alberto Dom�nguez, General Manager of Gtd Manquehue. "Alcatel-Lucent's worldwide leadership in broadband and their experienced local services teams will help Gtd Manquehue successfully deploy this new fiber infrastructure, the first of its kind in Chile ".