Monday, June 16, 2008

The DSL Forum becomes The Broadband Forum

Refelecting its broadened work scope, The DSL Forum has changed its named to The Broadband Forum.

The Broadband Forum said its expanded mission is to develop the full potential of broadband. The organization is focused on home-to-core network and management solutions.

"Broadband has already changed lives considerably since our organization first began in 1994 - but now the world stands on the brink of a giant leap forward in converged communications," said George Dobrowski, Chairman and President of The Broadband Forum. "For some time now, we have been dealing with much more than DSL," continues Dobrowski. "Yet we discovered that because of the DSL in our name, many of our specifications that are access agnostic, management related or provide solutions to broader broadband issues, were being missed by the standards community because they mistakenly thought our work was just DSL specific."