Sunday, May 11, 2008

Juniper T1600 to be Deployed in GÉANT2 Network

DANTE, an international research and education network provider, is upgrading the core GÉANT2 infrastructure using Juniper Networks' T1600 platform. The will enable DANTE to deliver a range of new, high-capacity services based on IPv6 and 40 Gbps technologies. The network is being deployed by Imtech Telecom Global, a Juniper Networks Elite partner. Currently deployed in the GÉANT2 network are the Juniper Networks T640 and M120 routers, which run the same, consistent JUNOS software that powers the T1600.

DANTE is responsible for the pan-European GÉANT2 network that interconnects National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) across Europe. GÉANT2 serves over 30 million users in 34 countries. Together with the NRENs it connects, GÉANT2 has links totaling more than 50,000 km in length and its extensive geographical reach interconnects networks in other world regions to enable global research collaboration.