Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mobile DTV Alliance Broadens Mandate

The Mobile DTV Alliance, whose sponsor members include Disney, Microsoft and Nokia, has extended its work on implementation guidelines to encompass the emerging Advanced Television System Committee standard for mobile broadcast -- ATSC-M/H -- and broadened the Mobile DTV Alliance charter to include industry collaboration activities with North American broadcasters.

In support of the new charter, the MDTVA today released a key deliverable, the North American Mobile TV Implementation Guidelines. Thus, the MDTVA establishes itself as a primary collaboration forum between companies of various industries interested in mobile TV deployments, implementations and global testing.

The newly released implementation guidelines are based on the global Mobile Broadcast Services Enabler (OMA BCAST 1.0) specification, specially developed to address convergent TV opportunities across a wide variety of access systems. Three key aspects of the guidelines include:

  • an interoperable technical foundation that builds on the efforts of the Open Mobile Alliance;

  • support for multiple broadcast systems under a consistent service layer;

  • expanded content protection options with Microsoft PlayReady technology, which supports the application of a wide range of business models to many types of entertainment content.