Sunday, March 2, 2008

Data Connection Boosts Availability for IP Routing and MPLS Platforms

Data Connection Limited (DCL) introduced a software package for developers of switching and routing equipment that allows them to enhance the availability of the systems they develop while reducing software development time and costs.

The new Configuration Safe Store (DC-CSS) source code and toolkit is tightly coupled with Data Connection's IP routing and MPLS portable protocol solutions. It allows users to store multiple revisions of system configuration information to file, from where they can be manually or automatically retrieved. The user may select the automatic retrieval of a known configuration in the event of restarts, failures, or upgrades. In-service software upgrades and downgrades are handled seamlessly. Switchovers to a saved configuration file are handled gracefully, and only the affected system resources are restarted as necessary. DC-CSS also includes error handling and offline functions such as file type and version conversion.