Monday, February 4, 2008

FCC Grants NextPhase Complete Capacity Rights to Fixed Wireless Spectrum Covering Los Angeles

The FCC approved a Long Term Use Filing relating to NextPhase's right to use complete capacity on select bands within the fixed wireless spectrum covering the Los Angeles, California BTA (Basic Trading Area) -- one of four BTAs secured by NextPhase in a recently announced agreement with Nextlink Wireless, Inc.

The FCC originally licensed this wireless spectrum to Nextlink, a subsidiary of XO Holdings, Inc. and a leading provider of carrier-grade, alternative access solutions that hold licenses to fixed wireless spectrum covering 75 major metropolitan markets in the U.S. On December 13, 2007, NextPhase and Nextlink announced that the Companies had entered a long term agreement providing for NextPhase to secure from Nextlink fixed wireless spectrum capacity over four metro BTAs -- Los Angeles, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Florida; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/Wilmington, Delaware/Trenton, New Jersey.