Monday, March 5, 2007

France Telecom Serving 577,000 IPTV Customers

As of year-end 2006, France Telecom was serving 5.9 million ADSL Orange customers in France for an estimated share of 49% of the nation's broadband market. There were 345,000 net ADSL additions in Q4 alone. In Spain, Orange is serving some 640,000 ADSL customers.

There were 4.1 million LiveBox users in Europe, of which 3.4 million are in France. That means that as of the end of 2006, 58% of the company's ADSL customers were equipped with LiveBox units.

The number of IPTV clients in France reached 577,000. Orange IPTV service has also been launched in Spain and Poland.

Some addition highlights of the annual report:

  • 97.6 million mobile subscribers (15.1% yoy growth)

  • 5.8 million mobile broadband subscribers

  • Fixed-Mobile-Convergence (FMC) -- a total of 64,000 "Unik" phones were sold in the first 2 months of availability.

  • Organic cash-flow of 7.15 billion euros, higher than the stated objective of 6.95 billion euros (adjusted to only include PagesJaunes Groupe until the date of its sale)

  • Gross Operating Margin of 18.54 billion euros, and a GOM rate of 35.9%, a reduction of 1.4 percentage points (on an historic and a comparable basis), in line with the Group's stated objective (a decrease in the margin of between 1 to 2 percentage points)

  • Capital expenditure (CAPEX) of 6.73 billion euros, representing 13% of revenues (12.5% in 2005), in line with the Group's stated objectives

  • Group share of net profit 4.139 billion euros compared to 5.709 billion euros in 2005. On a like-for-like basis, adjusted for exceptional items, the 2006 figure of 4.152 billion euros is slightly ahead of the 3.992 billion euros reported in 2005