The MultiService Forum (MSF) is launching a permanent test bed at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL) with the aim of testing NGN (Next Generation Networks) components and interfaces. A pilot trial gets underway this month and the first full tranche of testing will be initiated in Q1 2008 to address the interoperability of NGN media gateways.
The MSF NGN Test Bed will support testing of all MSF Implementation Agreements (IAs) and will grow to encompass future IAs on topics including IPTV, Quality of Service, Location Management and supporting Operational Support Systems.. In addition to continued in depth testing based on key GMI interoperability scenarios such as the optimal media routing of IMS interconnection between subscribers in the MSF R3 domain and legacy networks, the MSF NGN Test Bed will provide demonstration and test facilities designed in support of MSF members' in-house laboratories and personnel as the industry gears up for greater NGN development and deployment.
The new NGN Test bed builds on the MSF's existing efforts, including its recently launched NGN Certification Program and its plans for a GMI2008 interoperability event.
"We are seeing a massive increase in NGN implementation around the globe and though the industry is very supportive of our GMI programme, we felt that there was so much more to do than is possible in our showcase GMI2006, GMI2008 events. By launching this permanent test bed now, we have a significant new resource that will enable our members to collaborate on testing to at a much greater depth that will enable them to be better prepared for GMI2008, as well as continuing to work the issues arising from GMI2006," said Roger Ward, Office of the CTO, BT Group and President of the MSF.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
MultiService Forum Launches NGN Test Bed at UNH-IOL
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Service Providers