Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Global Crossing Expands VoIP Local Service to Nine More Countries

Global Crossing has extended its VoIP Local Service to six more European countries and three in Latin America (Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Peru, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland). This brings to 20 the total number of countries worldwide where the service is offered.

Global Crossing VoIP Local Service is an inbound local service that provides nationwide Direct Inward Dialing/Direct Dial Inward (DID/DDI) functionality through a single IP interconnection. The service lets customers originate traffic on the public switched telephone network (PSTN) in different countries. The traffic is then converted to VoIP on Global Crossing's network and then delivered to the customer's IP network.

The newly available VoIP Local Service offering complements the existing suite of VoIP Outbound and converged IP services in these markets. VoIP

The company has also enhanced its new emergency calling services in the UK. Global Crossing will provide call routing and associated information, including trace back and call identification, via 999 or 112 to emergency service operators, so they can correctly identify the caller's registered location to emergency services personnel. In addition, Global Crossing's standard Local Services offer in the UK now includes local number portability.