Monday, April 9, 2007

OPNET Delivers HAIPE Network Planning and Configuration Validation

OPNET Technologies announced new capabilities for planning and validating the configuration of High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor (HAIPE) networks.

HAIPE encryption devices comply with the National Security Agency's (NSA) HAIPE Interoperability Specification, a suite of features for traffic protection, networking, and management to ensure secure interoperability between IP encryption devices. HAIPE devices are emerging as a standard for protecting IP traffic for national security systems.

New capabilities include support for modeling and simulating HAIPE devices, as well as analyzing their configuration. Users are able to design secure and resilient HAIPE networks, and predict the impact of their deployment on existing networks. They can also validate a proposed network configuration, including HAIPE devices, to ensure network integrity, security, and policy compliance.

The new functionality is available in OPNET Modeler, Modeler Wireless Suite, Modeler Wireless Suite for Defense, and IT Guru Network Planner.