Monday, December 4, 2006

Huawei Expects Contract Sales of US$11B in 2006

Huawei Technologies expects full-year contract sales to reach US$11 billion by the end of 2006.

During the first half of 2006, Huawei recorded contract sales of US$5.2 billion, an increase of 29 percent compared to the same period last year. The value of contract sales from international markets reached USD 3.4 billion, an increase of 36 percent over the same period in 2005. The international market represented 65 percent of total contract sales generated in 1H2006.

Huawei said it continues to deepen relationships with key customers, such as Telefonica, Vodafone and British Telecom. In the wireless space, Huawei has secured 35 commercial UMTS contracts to date, scoring deals with operators such as Japan's eMobile to deploy the country's first-ever all IP-based radio-access network; as well as a contract with Administración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (ANTEL) to construct Latin America's first UMTS network in Uruguay.

While at ITU Telecom World 2006 in Hong Kong is exhibiting its new generation end-to-end intelligent Wavelength Division Multiplexing/Optical Transport Network (WDM/OTN) solutions.

Huawei also announced that it has completed video phone and HSDPA 3.6 Mbps services trials on a network in Europe using UMTS 900 MHz and that it plans to continue to conduct multiple UMTS 900 MHz field trials in Australia and Europe.