TANDBERG Television introduced its next-generation high definition (HD) and standard definition (SD) MPEG-4 AVC encoding solutions claiming bandwidth improvements of up to 50% over currently deployed MPEG-4 AVC units.
The product launch includes new EN8030 MPEG-4 AVC SD and EN8090 MPEG-4 AVC SD/HD ultra compression broadcast encoders, alongside the introduction of new MPEG-4 AVC HD and SD ultra compression encoding modules for the Plex range of high density, multi-channel encoders.
TANDBERG's new encoders enable HDTV services to be delivered at data rates below 6 Mbps, with similar improvements to SD services, and are designed to enable operators to deliver HD and SD multi-channel and single channel services across cable, satellite, telco and terrestrial networks.
The company said this step change in bit-rate performance represents tangible benefits to broadcasters and telcos.
- For IPTV operators it enables 2 full-resolution HDTV channels over ADSL2+ @ 2km.
- For satellite broadcasters it delivers transponder cost savings and the opportunity to add in more HD channels. For example, a 36MHz transponder with:
DVB-S2 and QPSK - can fit more than 6 channels of full-resolution HD
DVB-S2 and 8PSK - can fit more than 8 channels of full-resolution HD
The next-generation encoders also feature multi-channel capability and high density configurations. Running in HD mode from a single HDTV input, the platform is capable of generating 3 channels:
- the main HD full resolution channel,
- a secondary version of the main channel running up to full SD resolution, allowing operators to internally convert HD content to SD to also deliver their services to SD-only set-top-box consumers
- a third "micro" channel for use in Picture-in-Picture, mosaic, and alternate/multi-view applications.
This multi-channel feature results in the new EN8090 HD MPEG-4 AVC broadcast encoder being able to deliver 1 HD + 1 secondary SD + 1 low resolution PiP service per 1RU, while the high density Plex systems are capable of 12 channels - 4 HD + 4 secondary (up to full SD) + 4 Low resolution (up to SIF / 1/4SD) services - in 1RU.
The NEBS-certified, telco-designed Plex encoders include both encoding and MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 AVC transcoding solutions.