Monday, August 28, 2006

Verizon Wholesale Offers National SLAs for High Capacity Circuits

Verizon Partner Solutions has filed tariffs with the FCC for a new national service level agreement (SLA) plan for customers who buy interstate DS-1 and DS-3 special access services.

Under the new Verizon optional National SLA plan, if a special access service is not installed by the committed due date, DS-1 customers could receive a credit worth up to 50 percent of the monthly recurring charge for the service, or up to $500 -- depending on the Verizon tariff that applies. DS-3 customers could receive a credit of up to $1,000.

For repair under the new SLA plan, customers could be eligible for a credit of up to $250 for a DS-1 service outage not resolved within a specified time, or a credit of up to $1,000 for a DS-3 service outage not resolved within a specified time.

There is no extra charge for those customers who opt for the new SLA plan. To be eligible, DS-1 and DS-3 special access service customers must sign a subscription form prior to receiving the benefits of the plan.

"In talking to customers of these high-capacity services, they want an option to choose something more in terms of a service level agreement plan beyond what's contained in the basic SLA provisions that we have today," said Quintin Lew, vice president - marketing for Verizon Partner Solutions.