Sunday, April 9, 2006

Motorola, Camiant and Sandvine Supply PacketCable MultiMedia to Singapore's StarHub

Singapore's StarHub has deployed a PacketCable MultiMedia (PCMM) solution supplied by Motorola, Camiant and Sandvine.

The deployment includes Sandvine's PCMM application manager, Camiant's PCMM policy server, as well as Incognito's and Interactive Enterprise's provisioning software.

Motorola, which is overseeing and managing the end-to-end integration of the technology, is also supplying its Broadband Services Router 64000 (BSR 64000) -- the first Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) to receive PCMM Qualification within DOCSIS 2.0 from CableLabs.

Sandvine's application manager improves network control by giving operators the ability to identify, analyze, mark and prioritize broadband traffic.
