Thursday, November 24, 2005

BNS Showcases MPEG-4 IPTV Middleware for Flexible Pricing Models

Broadband Network Systems Ltd (BNS) is showcasing MPEG-4 standard-based middleware at this week's IPTV Forum Asia in Hong Kong.

The BNS solution features a real-time pricing engine that enables service providers to create complex IPTV business models with highly flexible pricing.

The BNS booth will also feature key showcases by BNS's partners Entone (VOD content management), Envivio (MPEG-4 H.264 broadcast series encoders and middleware) and Widevine (conditional access and digital rights management solution).

  • Hong Kong-based Broadband Network Systems (BNS) is a strategic consultant, technology integrator and content aggregator for broadband service providers deploying IPTV. Its customers include Chunghwa Telecom, Hanaro Telecom, Telekom Malaysia and others.

is Asia leading the Global IPTV Revolution?
is leading the IPTV revolution. The region boasts the highest broadband
penetration rates and is already the fastest growing market for IPTV.
Forecasts predict IPTV subscribers set to double in the next 12 months for
major markets in Hong Kong, Japan and Korea. There are a number of
contributing factors for IPTV that are shared across other markets in
Asia. However, IPTV business models and technologies are still evolving.
The next 12-18 months will be an exciting time.