Verizon: "This is an important step toward a national broadband policy that allows consumers to enjoy the full benefits of competition. At last, regulations are catching up to where consumers and technology have been for some time. This decision will help accelerate deployment of broadband networks, enabling greater choice and increased access for consumers." Susanne A. Guyer, Verizon senior vice president for federal regulatory affairs
Earthlink: "Today's FCC ruling effectively preserves DSL access for the next year. Beyond that, we are confident that we will extend our existing commercial agreements with the Bells so that we can continue to deliver DSL services. EarthLink will continue to work with our cable partners and explore next generation broadband alternatives to give consumers competitive alternatives for their high-speed Internet service." Dave Baker, vice president, law and public, EarthLink
Covad: "While the full text of today's FCC order is not yet available, based on statements made at the meeting the order does not impact Covad's ability to provide broadband and VoIP services. Covad strongly believes that having open networks promotes broadband growth in the U.S., and that requiring broadband service access for independent ISPs has led to lower prices, more innovation and greater consumer choice. In light of this decision, it is clear that Covad offers the only national alternative broadband network to ISPs and VoIP providers. With the nation's largest DSL footprint, Covad is uniquely positioned to offer the ISPs an alternative for connections to their customers." James A. Kirkland, Covad senior vice president and general counsel.
CEA: "We applaud today's action by the FCC creating regulatory parity among all broadband service providers. More importantly, we commend the Commission's endorsement of principles ensuring that Americans retain their freedom to access content, use applications and connect devices of their choice to high-speed Internet networks. Adherence to these principles is vital to ensure the development of new innovative consumer electronic devices that depend on unrestricted connection to broadband networks. In the coming days, we will examine the policy statement in full to ensure that it includes the necessary provisions and mechanisms that fully preserve these principles." Michael Petricone, Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) Vice President, Technology Policy.
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Industry Reaction to FCC DSL Ruling
Thursday, August 04, 2005