Sunday, October 23, 2005

SureWest Set to Offer HDTV Over an IP Network

SureWest Communications is set to become the first U.S. service provider to offer HDTV commercially over its IP-based fiber-to-the-premise (FTTP) network. Having completed lab tests, SureWest is launching a full-service round of testing leading up to commercial HDTV deployment.

SureWest has built an FTTP network throughout the Sacramento, CA region, passing more than 80,000 marketable homes. SureWest currently expects to launch HDTV over IP commercially in November 2005. SureWest's fiber network currently provides up to 10 Mbps high-speed Internet service (both downloading and uploading), with the option to double that speed up to 20 Mbps.

SureWest enhanced its ability to deliver advanced IP video service over a fiber network with a Cisco IP Next-Generation Network (IP NGN) featuring Cisco Catalyst 4510 and Catalyst 6509 switches that help enable SureWest to deliver high speeds based on the 100 Mbps standard bi-directional to its residential customers.