Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Global Crossing to Power GlobeTel's VoIP to Latin America

GlobeTel Communications, a telecommunications and financial services company with headquarters in southern Florida, will use Global Crossing's IP-based network to offer international cable companies and ISPs a customizable VoIP solution for clients located in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Starting in October 2005, GlobeTel will use Global Crossing IP Transit, Global Crossing VoIP Local Service and Global Crossing VoIP Outbound to provide international service providers with end-to-end VoIP from anywhere in the United States to Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and the entire Caribbean.

Global Crossing VoIP Local Service will provide GlobeTel's customers local numbers in the United States that end-users can dial at no charge. With Global Crossing IP Transit, calls to these numbers will be routed to Global Crossing's VoIP network through an IP-based connection. Global Crossing VoIP Outbound will then transport the packet-based voice traffic to Latin America and the Caribbean and complete the call.