Monday, October 31, 2005

Friendster and Grouper Target P2P Personal Media File Sharing

Friendster, a leading online community site, and Grouper Networks, a new venture launched by the founders of Spinner (now AOL Radio), announced a partnership that will allow Friendster users to share unlimited personal media files with each other using Grouper's personal sharing network.

Grouper, which leverages a distributed computing platform, enables people to share personally-created media like video and photos to the audience of their choice -- friends, family or the general public.

Friendster, the leading social networking site, provides users a built-in audience for their media -- millions of photos and thousands of videos are updated, viewed and forwarded on Friendster every day.

"Peer-to-Peer is one of those disruptive technologies, like social networking, that just changes the game. Yesterday, the game was about sharing 10 or 20 photos. Today, it's about what you can create -- there are no limits," said Taek Kwon, CEO, Friendster.