Sunday, October 23, 2005

Cisco Pitches IP Push-toTalk Phone Solution

Cisco Systems introduced an IP-based wireless/wireline communications system designed to integrate disparate push-to-talk radio systems together with other communication resources like voice, video and data devices.

The goal is to allow organizations to easily collaborate on daily operations, safety, security, and emergency management across different networks, both wired and wireless.

The Cisco Internet Protocol (based) Interoperability and Collaboration Systems (IPICS) technology, which will be one of the "emerging technology" areas of focus for the company, targets large enterprises as well as transportation, retail, finance, public safety, and defense groups. Cisco IPICS is an IP network-based collaboration platform developed by Cisco's engineers that allows users of two-way radios, often called push-to-talk radios, and other voice devices, such as cell phones and regular telephones, to directly communicate and collaborate.

Cisco said existing push-to-talk communication systems typically remain isolated and do not work together with other wireless, voice, and data networks. With Cisco IPICS technology, both proprietary and standards-based push-to-talk radios should be able to interoperate not only with each other but also with analog phones and other IP-based wired and wireless devices including cellular phones, Wi-Fi laptops, PDAs and IP phones.

The key components of Cisco IP Interoperability and Collaboration Systems technology include:

  • Cisco IPICS Server Hardware

  • Cisco IPICS Server Software