Monday, August 29, 2005

Telecom New Zealand Selects Alcatel NGN

Telecom New Zealand selected Alcatel to build the IP Voice platform for its Next Generation Network (NGN). Telecom will invest US$220 million in new network and system capability. The first residential customers will migrate onto the new network by early 2007 and eventually all of New Zealand's 2.2 million customer lines will be transitioned to the new platform in 2012.

The companies said the investment is a critical milestone in the multi-year, US$1.4 billion transition to a totally new network platform that will deliver triple play (voice, data and video bundle) services.

"In relatively short order we will replace the entire PSTN and be delivering all our services for customers over the IP network. That has the potential to reduce costs for customers and put a lot more control and flexibility in customers' hands, wherever they are - at home, at work or on the move," said Telecom Chief Operating Officer Simon Moutter.

For the IP Voice platform project, Telecom and Alcatel are building:

  • An IP Voice Call Control platform and Trunk Gateways to switch and process IP Voice traffic to and from the current PSTN

  • 'Border Security' to prevent unauthorized access, detect and prevent security threats and provide voice security

  • The capability to deliver an IP Voice Trunking product to connect enterprise VoIP systems to Telecom's network

  • Adaptation of Alcatel's NGN solutions to the New Zealand environment, enabling the equipment to interoperate with other networks and billing and service management systems

Telecom and Alcatel have a next generation technology partnership dating back to 2002. Alcatel was also selected for a US$64 million all IP Multi-Service Core (MSC) project that enables integrated services.