Monday, July 11, 2005

Equinix Launches 10 GigE Exchange Anticipating Content Growth

Equinix is rolling out 10 Gigabit Ethernet capabilities on the company's Equinix Exchange service in Washington D.C., Silicon Valley, Chicago and New York by the end of 2005. Equinix said the upgrade, which includes the addition of 10 Gigabit Ethernet switching capabilities, comes in response to strong demand for its network and content peering service, for which annual revenue grew by more than 50% in 2004. The initial customers migrating to the new service will be Limelight Networks, Time Warner Telecom, and nLayer.

Equinix has deployed Force10 Networks' TeraScale E-Series switch/routers in a 10 Gigabit Ethernet upgrade to its Washington, D.C. area Internet Business Exchange (IBX) center. Similar deployments are planned to IBX centers in the New York, Silicon Valley and Chicago areas by the end of 2005. Financial terms were not disclosed.

The Force10 TeraScale E-Series supports 672 line-rate Gigabit and 56 line-rate 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports.

Equinix said more than 200 networks serving over 90% of the world's Internet networks and users currently operate at its centers. It operates 15 IBX centers with a total footprint of more than one million square feet in the United States and Asia Pacific. Customers include Yahoo!, Google, Cox Communications, BT, eBay, Japan Telecom, SBC Internet Services, Electronic Arts, Verio and others.