Monday, June 6, 2005

Agilent Offers Cable VoIP Testing

Agilent Technologies has extended its NgN Analysis System to address the quality assurance needs of cable VoIP service providers. Through the added support for common open policy service (COPS) protocol and for Cedar Point Softswitches, the system now displays end-to-end call flow records for advanced performance metrics and real-time and historical troubleshooting.

Agilent's NgN Analysis System correlates COPS protocol with other protocols such as PacketCable NCS (network call signaling), TGCP (trunking gateway control protocol), SIP (session initiation protocol) and SS7 (signaling system 7) into a single, detailed call record. This enables service providers to drill down to troubleshoot quality of experience (QoE) problems. For advanced troubleshooting, complete decodes are available for all signaling messages.

The NgN Analysis System tracks end-to-end call records and performance metrics for packet cable networks. Network-wide call correlation is now supported for networks using the Cedar Point Softswitch, associating subscribers' endpoint addresses with their phone numbers.