Monday, May 16, 2005

Backers of Universal Service Fund Lobby the FCC

The Keep USF Fair Coalition said that more than 120,677 individuals have expressed their support for its "Fair Share Plan" aimed at "ensuring a sustainable and sufficient Universal Service Fund while minimizing the adverse impact on low-volume, low income consumers."

The FCC is expected to take up the issue of the USF at its open meeting on May 19.

More than 275,000 Americans have sent letters to the Hill and the FCC since the start of the campaign. In addition, 90,000 consumer members have joined such notable organizations such as Consumer Action, LULAC, Gray Panthers, Black Leadership Forum, National Association of the Deaf and others to the Keep USF Fair Coalition.

The Keep USF Fair Coalition launched a new ad campaign, highlighting a recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Report on Universal Service Fund (USF). The coalition warns that the proposed per number tax, or flat $1-$2 per line fee, would increase phone fees by over 1000%.

The Keep USF Fair Coalition advocates keeping the USF current methodology and proposes a mechanism to offset any unforeseen shortfalls.